5 steps to make an extra $10k per month with an online course

(even if you don’t have a large audience, know your topic, or have a lot of time)




I’m sharing THE exact step-by-step roadmap I used to go from having no course to making over $10 million in online course sales, so you can become a successful course creator in 2024.

In this training, I’ll show you how to go from

“Oh my god, where do I start?!”

to launching your first profitable online course in 90 days or less:

PLUS: Q&A Time

This is your opportunity to ask me anything under the sun about course creation.

I want to make this the most actionable training you’ve ever attended, so I’ve carved out time at the end of this training to answer your most burning course questions.

Bring a pencil and notebook! You can’t find these answers anywhere else.

This is your opportunity to ask me anything under the sun about course creation. I want to make this the most actionable training you’ve ever attended, so I’ve carved out time at the end of this training to answer your most burning course questions. Bring a pencil and notebook! You can’t find these answers anywhere else.

In this training, I’ll show you how to go from “Oh my god, where do I start?!” to launching your first profitable online course in 90 days or less:

Is this training for you?

You’re a content creator who’s sick of the brand deal feast and famine cycle. Sure, you’re in a great place once those net-60 payments come in, but waiting for them is like watching paint dry. And you’re constantly hustling for your next job, spending hours on one $300 post, and daydreaming about the day you’ll get paid what you’re worth.

You’re a freelancer with a pocket-full of clients, and you’re ready to package up your expertise into an online course that can impact more people, make you more money, and free you from trading time for dollar-dollar bills.

You’re a 9-5’er whose soul is screaming at her to get out of this office job and use your knowledge to change the world — and give you some major control and freedom over your life.

You’re a coach who’s done the 1-1 and group coaching program thing, and now you want to scale out of the delivery side. You love the impact you’re having. What you don’t love? Making money requires your time, energy, and mental power. *Puts passive income up on her vision board*

You feel like you’re working SO. HARD., but your bank account doesn’t match all your effort. What’s up with that? You’re desiring unlimited revenue potential. You’re desiring the ability to impact as many people as possible. You’re desiring a vacation to Tahiti where you can log the eff off for once. Oooh, you can smell those coconut drinks now, can’t you?

You’ll get a free gift just for attending class.

The Course Revenue Calculator

Clear your calendar.

Ever wondered how much you could make from an online course with your current audience size? It's time to find out!

This calculator makes finding out your potential course launch income as easy as 1-2-3.

Follow the prompts in this simple interactive calculator and it will reveal just how much money is waiting on the other side of your first online course launch.

All you need to do is input information related to your launch, and put your growth on autopilot.

The stats are in, and it’s official — the demand for online education is BOOMING…to the tune of $250 billion and growing faster each year. 

The education space has shifted dramatically in the wake of the pandemic and The Great Resignation, and people everywhere are turning toward the Internet to pick up new skills.

Inside this training, I’ll save you countless hours of frustration, doubt, and the

and I’ve got news to share.

I 'm Christina Galbato,

I believe you have an online course inside you right now — and you can package your unique experience and perspective up into a passive revenue stream that adds 5-figures a month to your income.

(And no, your course doesn’t have to be about online businesses or social media. I’ve personally mentored clients who’ve had multiple 5-figure course launches in personal training, styling, nutrition and more. Any topic is a great topic for a course).

that come with building an online course without support.

"Oh my god, I don’t know what I’m doing’s"

To say online courses changed my life would be an understatement. It has led me to impacting the lives of over 20k students globally, grown an all-women team of 15, and founding CreateHer Empire — a company aimed at giving passion-driven individuals the tools and resources to build a sustainable and profitable online empire.

Five years ago, I launched my first-ever online course, taking it from $50,000 in sales back then to over $10 million in sales today.

And now I’m teaching you how to do just that by profiting from the thriving Online Course Economy too.

(yes, you have one)

You've got a winning online course in you.

into a course your audience can't wait to get their hands on.

We'll show you how find & package it, along with your one-of-a-kind teaching style

Bringing in 30 students was my goal, and with Christina's strategies, I ended up getting 100 students in my first launch. That course made over $100k in its first year. If you're willing to put in the work it's gonna work.

- Millie

My first professional dance career course launch has welcomed 90 students!

I've made over $63K!